The Claims Process: What to Expect When Filing a Home Insurance Claim

Filing a home insurance claim in Celina, TX can be daunting, especially when you don’t know what to expect from the claims process. Rasor Insurance wants you to know what to expect.

Step 1: Contact Your Insurance Provider

After an incident such as a storm or a break-in, contacting your insurance provider as soon as possible is important. Once you’ve filed a claim, they will assign an adjuster to assess the damage and provide you with an estimated cost of repairs.

Step 2: Document Damage with Photographs

Before cleaning up, take photographs of all damage to your home, including the affected area and all items that have been damaged.

Step 3: Wait for the Insurance Adjuster to Evaluate Damages

When your claim is filed, your insurance provider will assign an adjuster to evaluate the damage to your home. The adjuster will visit your home to assess the damage and provide a recommended repair cost. This process can take several days, depending on the extent of the damage and your location.

Step 4: Verify Estimate and Repair Process

Once you receive your estimated cost of repairs, you’ll want to review the estimate thoroughly to ensure that it accurately reflects the true cost of repairs. 

Step 5: Receive Insurance Payout

After your insurance provider has approved and processed the claim, you will receive an insurance payout for damages.

Understanding the claims process in Celina, TX can help alleviate stress when filing a home insurance claim. Remember to contact your insurance provider as soon as possible to ensure a smooth claims process. Maintain good documentation of damages with photographs and keep in contact with your insurer throughout the process. If you have questions, contact Rasor Insurance. We’re here to help.